Monday, December 03, 2007

Tanking Enchantments

Over the weekend, bought the Felsteel Helm and Felsteel Gloves from the AH as planned. They were going for cheap, less than 50g each. The mats alone would have costed more.

So, it's time to start considering on enchantments. After digging around, the following looks like a good set of enchantments for a warrior tank.

Head: Glyph of the Defender [+16 Defense Rating, +17 Dodge Rating] (Requires Keepers of Time - Revered)
Shoulder: Greater Inscription of Warding [+15 Dodge Rating, +10 Defense Rating] (Requires Aldor - Exalted)
Back: Enchant Cloak - Greater Agility [+12 Agi]
Chest: Enchant Chest - Exceptional Health [+150 Health]
Wrist: Enchant Bracer - Fortitude [+12 Sta]
Hand: Heavy Knothide Armor Kit [+10 Sta] (Crafted)
Legs: Clefthide Leather Armor [+30 Sta, +10 Agi] (Crafted)
Feet: Enchant Boots - Fortitude [+12 Sta]

Main Hand: Enchant Weapon - Potency [+20 Str]
Shield: Enchant Shield - Major Stamina [+18 Sta]

I've gone with Potency over Greater Agility for the Weapon Enchant because I think I'm not really at the stage where I've got that much avoidance to make it worth stacking. The extra Str will contribute with some Shield Block and more AP for more threat.

I've also stacked the Stamina enchants for more survivability. When my gear improves, I'll start replacing with Agility enchants.

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