We won both games and in the second, it was a close one, so we pulled with two towers still up. Van still went down... So, nothing seems to have changed?
Irregardless of how it is right now, AV is supposed to be a PvP battleground. Yet, it's quite possible to win it, without killing a single player. So, how can it be changed? I'm not sure the old epic 10 hour AVs were that great. For one, it makes the gathering of AV Marks impossible. I like the reinforcement idea, but perhaps Blizz should take that idea further... Firstly, Reinforcements should only be reduced by killing other players. Burning of Towers/Bunkers should not reduce Reinforcements. Then Reinforcements can affect how the 'end-game' plays out. Here are some of my ideas.
Reinforcements buff Van/Drek
One idea is to tie Van/Drek's HP directly to the amount of Reinforcements left for their respective faction. eg. Say Van has 400,000 HP at the start of the BG, with 600 Reinforcements on both sides. When there are 300 Reinforcements left, he will have 200,000 HP, and so on. It can be linear, or reverse logarithmic or whatever. The point is, the more Ally swine you kill, the weaker Van is...
Another possibility is to make it such that Van has some uber abilities, that he will lose as the number of reinforcements tick down. I'll even go as far as suggest that above 350 Reinforcements, Van should have a 'Pally bubble' which cannot be dispelled.
Reinforcements really do Reinforce Van/Drek
In addition to the four warmasters/marshalls, perhaps there should be more NPCs in the room. I'll suggest 4 marshalls who shall despawn based on the number of reinforcements left. Each will despawn when reinforcements drop below 300, 250, 200, and 150 respectively.
Make the defense/burning of Towers/Bunkers Count
Take out the NPCs in the towers/bunkers. If your players are not going to defend them, don't depend on NPCs to do it either. This might have the effect of making the four towers/bunkers in the middle of the map as generally 'given' to the other faction. However, if we buff the tower marshalls/warmasters enough that it makes sense to hold your towers, smart players will begin to actively defend them.
Also, give them greater spell effects that can affect the defense of Van/Drek. Be it in the form of AOE heals, AOE damage to the entire room, etc.
These are just some ideas off the top of my head... I should probably put them in the Suggestions forum, but way too lazy... :p
Anyway, Mart also managed a Heroic Mech run for the 6 badges. It was really funny. We started as 2 pallys, 3 locks, when one of the lock realised he cannot get the key as he is only friendly with Sha'tar (he hasn't dinged 70 for that long...) So, we put out the call for a DPS and got a Ret pally; ie a 2 lock, 3 pally team... We were a bit messy but we got the job done. Killing the fire witch was really messy, with the tank losing aggro at like 3%, and she proceeded to 1-2 shot the healer and the other pally, leaving the 2 locks standing to take her down...
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