Yup, Level 20 & Ghost Wolf time! No more running on her hoofs for this Draenei. To celebrate, I was tempted to run from Exodar to Blood Watch, but in the end, I wasn't that excited and just did the run to the flight master.
(Although, on my (retired) Tauren Shaman, when he reached 40 (my first 40 at that time), I rode my spanking new Kodo all the way from Bloodhoof Village to Crossroads. When I had enough for the epic Kodo, I rode it from Bloodhoof Village back to Orgrimmar...)
The other Shev (the Blood Elf Pally) is also in sight of a milestone of her own. Level 50, which opens up the class quest for Sunken Temple (unlike the Ally Pallys and the other classes, we don't have a choice, but the trinket is pretty nice). Hope to wrap up Tanaris quickly (just a few more quests to go), toodle over to Hinterlands, grab the Temple quests and then time to bug guildies to get their alts up and running for the Temple!
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