It's a US-based guild, so meeting part way, the run will start at midnight... :p
Anyway, following on from my time-honoured tradition of counting chickens before they are hatched, these are the loot to look out for in there.
Shoulder: Voidheart Mantle (High King Maulgar) A side-grade to the Frozen Shadoweave Shoulders, but until I get more spell hit, worth trading the 9 damage for the 11 spell hit rating (which is about 0.87%). Good also for the 2-piece bonus.
Waist: Belt of Divine Inspiration (High King Maulgar) This is more of a side-grade to Girdle of Ruination but might be worth considering if there is somewhere better that I can stick the Runed Ornate Ruby
Legs: Voidheart Leggings (Gruul the Dragonkiller) Another side-grade, to the Fel Infused Leggings in terms of damage. But again, for the spell hit and the 2-piece, it is certainly worth considering.
Main Hand: Bloodmaw Magus-Blade (Gruul the Dragonkiller)
On the (unlikely) chance that my poor (severly undergeared) warrior is required...
Shoulder: Warbringer Shoulderguards (High King Maulgar)
Legs: Warbringer Legguards (Gruul the Dragonkiller) The legs from badges are better, so, it depends on which I can get first. Set bonuses will also come into consideration, of course.
Shield: Aldori Legacy Defender (Gruul the Dragonkiller)
One thing to do to prepare for it is to go get the Flasks using Shards. Unstable Flask of the Sorceror for Mart and Unstable Flask of the Beast for Eld.
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