I mentioned that I had 487 defense on Eld? Actually, it's more like 494... Why?
I got some pants from a quest yesterday which looks like they could be a minor upgrade to my grinding/questing pants. However, when I moused over them, I realised they had tanking stats... On closer inspection, I realised that somewhere along the line, I had mixed up my tanking pants with my grinding pants, wearing my +crit pants while tanking & my +def pants while grinding... Wonderful...
After correcting that mistake, yes, it's official... Eld is uncrittable... Weeee...
(But if anyone asks in-game, I was wearing +crit for the aggro generation... I SWEAR!!!)
Hence, wear no pants at all and there's no room for mistakes.
While that's an idea, I don't think you want to see Eld without his pants... At least, I wouldn't...
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