Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hunter Gear

I was going to just leave her gear as is, but I've decided to at least upgrade with quest reward and crafted gears. However, I think I'll leave out quests from instances, as I'll rather run those with Mart for rep. (The exception is the Grandmother questline as it only requires a quick run of Crypts)

Head: Stalker's Helmet of Second Sight (Teron Gorefiend, I am..., Shadowmoon Valley)
Neck: Natasha's Choker (The Hound-Master, Blade's Edge Mountain)
Shoulder: Earthmender's Crimson Spaulders (Escape from Coilskar Cistern, Shadowmoon Valley)
Back: Dawnstrike's Cloak (Down with Daellis, Netherstorm)
Chest: Felstalker Breastplate (Crafted)
Wrists: Felstalker Bracers (Crafted)
Hands: Ar'tor's Mainstay (The Cipher of Damnation - The Third Fragment Recovered, Shadowmoon Valley)
Waist: Felstalker Belt (Crafted)
Legs: Mag'hari Huntsman's Leggings (Hero of the Mag'har, Nagrand)
Feet: Boots of the Outlander (already using)

Ring: Kaylaan's Signet (Deathblow to the Legion, Netherstorm)
Ring: Slayer's Mark of the Redemption (Dissension Amongst the Ranks..., Shadowmoon Valley)
Trinket: Mark of Conquest (Hellfire PVP)
Trinket: Bladefist's Breadth (already using)

Main Hand: Ceremonial Warmaul Blood-Blade (already using)
Off Hand: Shani's Crysknife (already using)
Ranged: Consortium Blaster (Rep Reward: Consortium - Revered)

That's based on the use of Mail items only. However, if we include Leather (& based on the rather crappy Mail pieces available in some slots, might have no choice...), the following will come into play.

Shoulders: Talbuk Hide Spaulders (Rep Reward: Mag'har - Revered)
Chest: Mag'hari Scout's Tunic (Hero of the Mag'har, Nagrand)
Legs: Fel Leather Leggings (Crafted)

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