Tuesday, September 04, 2007


I've always maintained that Tier 2 are still the nicest looking armor set... Well, maybe not for mage, but certainly for lock and pally. If I get bored, here's the recoloured TBC equivalent...

Head: Demonfang Ritual Helm (The Underbog (H), The Black Stalker)
Shoulder: Mantle of Three Terrors (The Black Morass, Chrono Lord Deja)
Chest: Vermillion Robes of the Dominant (The Steamvault, Warlord Kalithresh)
Waist: Sash of Serpentra (The Steamvault, Warlord Kalithresh)
Legs: Devil-Stitched Leggings (The Botanica, Laj)
Feet: Extravagant Boots of Malice (Mana-Tombs (H), Tavarok)
Wrist: Crimson Bracers of Gloom (Hellfire Ramparts (H), Omor the Unscarred)
Hands: Gloves of the Deadwatcher (Auchenai Crypts (H), Shirrak the Dead Watcher)

Helm: Mask of Pennance (The Steamvault, Mekgineer Steamrigger)
Shoulder: Justice Bearer's Pauldrons (Hellfire Ramparts (H), Omor the Unscarred)
Chest: Breastplate of Many Graces (Shadow Labyrinth, Grandmaster Vorpil)
Belt: Girdle of Many Blessings (The Slave Pens (H), Rokmar the Crackler)
Legs: Cassock of the Loyal (The Underbog (H), Hungarfen)
Boots: Boots of the Watchful Heart (Old Hillsbrad (H), Captain Skarloc)
Bracers: Virtue Bearer's Vambraces (Blood Furnace (H), Broggok)
Gloves: Life Bearer's Gauntlets (Hellfire Ramparts (H), Nazan)

In honour of my first 60 (the retired shaman), and also because Ten Storms do look really cool, I'll try to collect the look-alike set for my Blood Elf to look pretty in (she's going to need a few Primal Mooncloth bags, at this rate...)

Head: Headdress of the Tides (The Underbog (H), Ghaz'an)
Shoulder: Mantle of the Sea Wolf (Mana-Tombs (H), Tavarok)
Chest: Harness of the Deep Currents (Shadow Labyrinth, Murmur)
Belt: Stillwater Girdle (Mana-Tombs (H), Nexus-Prince Shaffar)
Legs: Oceansong Kilt (Hellfire Ramparts (H), Nazan)
Boots: Wavefury Boots (The Slave Pens (H), Rokmar the Crackler)
Bracers: Primal Surge Bracers (The Black Morass, Aeonus)
Gloves: Fathomheart Gauntlets (The Steamvault, Warlord Kalithresh)

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