Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Reputation Grinding...

I finally understood the point of the Silithus rep grinding nonsense that was Cenarion Circle... It's to prepare us for TBC...

I started grinding Cenarion Expedition rep last night. It felt so familiar. Running around, tagging mobs before someone else does. Anyway, it's stupid... I'm Exalted with the HQ, but then go down to Base become Neutral again... Oh well, can't be helped. At least I see little reason to grind to Exalted, just Revered should be enough to drive me insane.

But while researching this, I realised there are so many reps to grind now. Lower City, Thrallmar and Cenarion Expedition are critical for the keys to heroic modes. The others you could probably skip unless you require a receipe for your crafter professions. The gear you could get are nice but I think there are (possibly) less painful ways to get them. We shall see...

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