Thursday, February 22, 2007

Scryer vs Aldor

Wowwiki has a nice comparison for this here. Basically there isn't a huge impact. The Exalted gear would not be so replaceable so they will be a point of consideration. The big difference will be the inscriptions. Tailoring spellthreads will also be a consideration for Mart.

Warlock - Scryer
Not a hard decision. The +dmg spellthread pretty much confirms it. Would have prefer the marginally higher +dmg on the Aldor inscription, but it's not a biggie. The Exalted ring and the Revered trinket are nice.

Paladin - Scryer
Being a blood-elf, Aldor would be a slightly longer grind. In the end, the Scryer quest reward neck helped to confirm it. If I go healing, the healing staff can be considered.

Warrior - Aldor
No real preference either way, but I marginally prefer the +def armor patch over the mana regen patch...

Hunter - Aldor
Not really important either, since I doubt her rep will get high enough to matter... But I'll take Aldor for some variety

Druid - Scryer
The only alchemy receipe is with Scryer... Easy choice, I guess...

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