Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Paladin Epic Mount

I found this on Wow forums (by Haylo, also from Shadowsong), since I will eventually need to do this, I thought will be good to archive it now.

The level 60 Blood Elf paladin mount quest is the following:

1. Talk to the Silvermoon trainer which gives you a quest to talk to a blood knight downstairs in the paladin area. She wants you to bring her 40x Runecloth, 10x Sungrass, 6x Arcanite Bars, 5x Dark Runes and 150g.

2. When this is complete she requests that you kill 15 Scourge Siege Engineers and 3 Meat Wagons. These are located in the north of EPL near the entrance to Ghostlands and can easily be soloed

3. Once this is turned in the quest giver asks you to loot a vial of Holy Water from the library wing of the Abby in Tyr’s Hand (it’s a little dish on a table) and return to her. The mobs in Tyr's Hand are elite so you will need a group of 2 or 3.

4. She then asks you to purchase Crepuscular Powder (150g) from the poison vendor and an Arcane Catalyst (45g) item from the reagent vendor, both of which are located in Silvermoon and bring them back to her. You will also need a Pristine Black Diamond and a Azerothian Diamond.

5. Finally you are given the task of extinguishing the Eternal Flame in the chapel in UD Strat. It is the church that is two pulls into the instance. When you do this the quest giver who is normally in the chapel attacks you. Next 6 elite paladins ride up and you have to fight them. Once the paladins have been defeated you can turn the quest for both the epic mount ability and the Silvermoon tabard. If you want the Epic Hawkstrider you have to pay only 90g as the training is included with the completion of the quest.

So, in total, we're looking at

40 Runecloth
10 Sungrass
6 Arcanite Bars
5 Dark Runes
1 Pristine Black Diamond
1 Azerothian Diamond

Not a huge saving over the Epic Chicken (540G for training, 90G for the mount), but who wants to ride the chicken when you can get a nice red charger?

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